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Copyright © 2023 Elevenate AB.
Elevenate Friends Favorite Resort
Where we like to ski
Elevenate Travel Stories
Everyone’s needs and tolerance to cold vary, so we asked Tobias to share how he approaches layering for the backcountry.
Elevenate Travel Stories
#Travelstories, featuring our secret powder trip to Japan hosted in February 2024 where we traveled to Japan with a fantastic group of people, marking the launch of our new travel concept, co-hosted with Alpingaraget and Lumiversumi. This ski adventure took us to northern Honshū, road-tripping around the Iwate and Akita regions.
Elevenate Travel Stories
Everyone’s needs and tolerance to cold vary, so we asked Tobias to share how he approaches layering for the backcountry.
Tobias Granath about
Layering for Backcountry Skiing
We recently sat down with our friend and IFMGA-certified mountain guide Tobias Granath to chat about the art of layering. Everyone’s needs and tolerance to cold vary, so we asked Tobias to share how he approaches layering for the backcountry.
Tobias Granath about
Layering for the backcountry
Everyone’s needs and tolerance to cold vary, so we asked Tobias to share how he approaches layering for the backcountry.
Sara Rönngren about
Design talk with Sara Rönngren. This winter's collection is inspired by the Pyrenees. Hear Sara talk about the inspiration.
Sara Rönngren about
FW24 Collection
Design talk with Sara Rönngren. This winter's collection is inspired by the Pyrenees. Hear Sara talk about the inspiration.
Our summer collection 2024 is inspired by Liguria, Italy. We asked our founder and head of design how we could see the inspiration in this year's gear.
SS24 Collection
Our summer collection 2024 is inspired by Liguria, Italy. We asked our founder and head of design how we can see the inspiration in this year's gear.
David Deliv about
Three friends on an adventure ski trip to Georgia. Skiing the Caucasus Range in search of something bigger in the unknown. "Curiosity and a desire to learn is what brings us; Celeste, Sebastian and David, together. We come from wildly different backgrounds and we each carry our own sets of strengths, skills, and experience when it comes to skiing."
David Deliv about
Three friends on an adventure ski trip to Georgia. Skiing the Caucasus Range in search of something bigger in the unknown. "Curiosity and a desire to learn is what brings us; Celeste, Sebastian and David, together. We come from wildly different backgrounds and we each carry our own sets of strengths, skills, and experience when it comes to skiing."
Veronica Paulsen talking about
The Apocalypse
For me, it is always so fun to push myself on those perfect powder days, seeking larger and larger cliffs to jump off of. However, I realized it was time to seek out learning opportunities in a slightly different discipline of freeride skiing: ski mountaineering.
Veronica Paulsen talking about
The Apocalypse
For me, it is always so fun to push myself on those perfect powder days, seeking larger and larger cliffs to jump off of. However, I realized it was time to seek out learning opportunities in a slightly different discipline of freeride skiing: ski mountaineering.
Was bedeutet State of Elevenate?
Was ist Ulla Gilots State of Elevenate?
Unsere Freundin Ulla ist in den Bergen aufgewachsen und zog schon in jungen Jahren von Belgien nach Österreich. Mit beiden Eltern als zertifizierte Skilehrer wurde das Skifahren schon früh ein fester Bestandteil ihres Lebens.
What does State of Elevenate mean?
What’s Ulla Gilot's State of Elevenate?
Our friend Ulla grew up in the mountains, and at an early age, she moved from Belgium to Austria. With both her parents as certified ski instructors skiing became a part of her life from a young age.
Was bedeutet State of Elevenate?
Was ist David Delivs State of Elevenate?
State of Elevenate bekam für David im letzten Jahr eine ganz neue Bedeutung. Das Bewältigen anspruchsvoller Abfahrten war für David anfangs sein persönlicher State of Elevenate. Nun erkennt er jedoch, dass er auch in der Natur seinen State of Elevenate finden kann.
What does State of Elevenate mean?
What’s David Deliv's State of Elevenate?
Our friend David has reevaluated his State Of Elevenate in the past year. While he initially associated it with managing challenging lines on the slopes, he now realizes that he can experience the same feeling when exploring nature and letting go of everyday stress.
Was bedeutet State of Elevenate?
Immer auf der Suche - State of Elevenate
Sara Rönngren, Mitgründerin und Chefdesignerin von State of Elevenate, zog von den Alpen zurück nach Åre, Schweden, und gründete im Jahr 2010 gemeinsam mit ihrem Ehemann Jimmy Odén das Unternehmen. Ihre Vision war es, Saras Erfahrung als Freeskierin mit Jimmys Fachwissen als IFMGA-Bergführer zu verbinden und Skibekleidung zu kreieren, die nicht nur sie selbst, sondern auch ihre Freunde gerne tragen würden.
What does State of Elevenate mean?
Always Chasing a State of Elevenate
Sara Rönngren is the co-founder and head designer of State of Elevenate. She, along with her husband, Jimmy Odén, founded State of Elevenate in 2010 after moving back to Åre from the Alps. They wanted to combine Sara’s background as a freeskier with Jimmy's knowledge as an IFMGA mountain guide. Since the beginning, their motivation has been to create skiwear that they and their friends want to wear.
Verbinden mit der Community
Trefft Ostburgare – die schwedische Fahrrad-Enduro-Gruppe mit dem käsigen Namen und der Leidenschaft fürs Radfahren
Der Sommer ist da, und auch wenn der Winter uns viel Freude bereitet hat, bietet diese Jahreszeit neue Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen. Eine Gruppe von Freunden, die sich besonders auf den Wechsel der Jahreszeiten freut, sind die Ostburgare. Fünf Jungs, die sich Ostburgare nennen, „die Cheeseburger“. Man merkt sofort, dass sie eine Gruppe von Freunden sind, die für ihre Leidenschaft lebt – das Radfahren. Die ganze Zeit über herrschte pure Freude und Aufregung.
Connecting with the community
Meet Ostburgare - The Swedish Enduro Group with a Cheesy Name and Passion for Cycling
Summer is here, and even though winter has given us lots of joy, this time of the year offers new possibilities and challenges. One group of friends that are extra excited about the change of seasons is Ostburgare. Five guys who call themselves Ostburgare, ”the cheeseburger”. One could tell right away that they are a group of friends who lives for their passion - Biking. Just pure joy and excitement all the way.
Connect to nature
Explore the Inspiration Behind the new Summer Collection.
We jump into our van and leave the winter behind. We are longing to feel salty water in our hair and the warmth of sun rays on our skin as we head towards the coastline. The Pacific Northwest is a place where mountains, forests, and the ocean merge.
Connect to nature
Explore the Inspiration Behind the new Summer Collection.
We jump into our van and leave the winter behind. We are longing to feel salty water in our hair and the warmth of sun rays on our skin as we head towards the coastline. The Pacific Northwest is a place where mountains, forests, and the ocean merge.
Veronica Paulsen’s Journey to Kings and Queens of Corbet’s Couloir
Veronica Paulsen – The Queen
Veronica Paulsen is the crowned queen of the ski community in Jackson. The humble big mountain skier who wrote history at Kings and Queens of Corbet’s Couloir: the first female to ever land a backflip. Who is Veronica and what is going on in her head when she decides to go for a double backflip in Corbet’s? A couloir scary enough that most of us would hardly even consider dropping into it, much less throw something gnarly off the lip.
Veronica Paulsen’s Journey to Kings and Queens of Corbet’s Couloir
Veronica Paulsen – The Queen
Veronica Paulsen is the crowned queen of the ski community in Jackson. The humble big mountain skier who wrote history at Kings and Queens of Corbet’s Couloir: the first female to ever land a backflip. Who is Veronica and what is going on in her head when she decides to go for a double backflip in Corbet’s? A couloir scary enough that most of us would hardly even consider dropping into it, much less throw something gnarly off the lip.
Conscious choices #3
Erste Hilfe für beschädigte Skibekleidung
Begleiten Sie uns zum Reparaturservice von Åre Syverkstad und Elevenate, wo Marie Rödin die Lebensdauer beschädigter Skibekleidung verlängert.
Conscious choices #3
First aid for damaged skiwear
Join us at Åre Syverkstad and Elevenate’s repairs service, where Marie Rödin extends the life of damaged skiwear.
Friend Talk
Friend Talk - Janne Tjärnström
Janne is our local hero. If you haven’t met him on the mountain you might have seen photos of him on our website. He is an all-year-round mountain lover.
Friend Talk
Friend Talk - Janne Tjärnström
Janne is our local hero. If you haven’t met him on the mountain you might have seen photos of him on our website. He is an all-year-round mountain lover.
Conscious choices #2
Er hilft Ihnen, das richtige Produkt zu finden
Lerne Petter Cech kennen, den Kundendienst von Elevenate in Åre. Er hilft dir bei allem, von der persönlichen Einkaufsberatung bis zur Beantwortung von Fragen zu Zahlung und Versand.
Conscious choices #2
He’ll guide you to the right product
Meet Petter Cech, customer service at Elevenate in Åre, who’ll help you with everything from personal shopping advice to answering questions about payments and postage.
Conscious choices #1
Nachhaltigkeit ist Teil von allem, was ich tue
Sara Rönngren, die Designerin von Elevenate, achtet auf Nachhaltigkeit, wenn sie am Zeichenbrett, auf dem Berg und in Gesprächen mit Lieferanten sitzt.
Conscious choices #1
Sustainability is part of everything I do
Elevenate’s designer Sara Rönngren focuses on sustainability when she’s at the drawing board, on the mountain and in discussions with suppliers.
Introducing our MTB-collection in the US
Moab, Utah is the epicenter of Mountain Biking in North America. Renowned for its vistas, technical trails and plethora of good coffee shops and breweries. Whether you are polishing a technical move for the first time or gazing at the prehistoric rock structures, Moab has a riding experience for anyone.
Introducing our MTB-collection in the US
Moab, Utah is the epicenter of Mountain Biking in North America. Renowned for its vistas, technical trails and plethora of good coffee shops and breweries. Whether you are polishing a technical move for the first time or gazing at the prehistoric rock structures, Moab has a riding experience for anyone.
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