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Our friend David has reevaluated his State Of Elevenate in the past year. While he initially associated it with managing challenging lines on the slopes, he now realizes that he can experience the same feeling when exploring nature and letting go of everyday stress.
"The moment right before dropping into a line that demands full attention, to the end of that run, has always represented the State Of Elevenate for me. Until recently, I believed that was the only time I could achieve that unique feeling and state of mind. Now, I've discovered that I can find that same state in other situations without taking risks that could potentially end my ski season.
I can now find the same peace while being out in nature, engaging in activities that allow me to escape the stress of an average Monday. This could be anything from a ski tour on a mountain peak close to home to camping far away from the closest civilization.
This means I can now reach the State Of Elevenate even when the snow isn’t perfect or when the ski season is over. I experience it every time I am compelled to leave behind the thoughts of everyday life, and that's the best discovery I've made in the past year.